Our Focus

  • To promote digital literacy and ethical use of the technology among children and young people


  • To provide legal, psychological and social support to children and young people affected by the inappropriate use of digital technology


  • To develop and produce multimedia contents for dissemination on digital & othermainstream media channels for children, young people and public
  • To raise awareness on safer use of the Internet and digital devices among children, young people, parents, teachers and public


  • To protect children and young people from internet, mobile phone and gaming addiction


  • To protect children and young people from online sexual abuse and exploitation
  • To strengthen legal protection for a safer use of the digital technology for children and young people


  • To advocate for a stronger cyber policy and adequate resources to make the digital technology safer for children and young people


  • To advocate for inclusion of cyber safety in school curricula

Our Strategy: Advocacy, Awareness, Capacity Building and Partnership



  • Advocate with the duty-bearers on making children's use of technology safer


  • Raise social awareness of parents, teachers, children's care-givers, children, youth, social workers, police, lawyers, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and media


  • Train groups of child and youth digital leaders to raise awareness on cyber safety and provide support to children and young people


  • Partner with schools, child/youth clubs, parents' associations, teachers, ISPs, media, I/NGOs, UN agencies and other likeminded individuals and organizations


Our Philosophy

Together, we can and will make the Internet safer for children and young people.


Our Approach

Partnership, synergy and sharing of technical and financial resources for protection of children
and young people, making their use of technology safer.
We work with children, youth, families, government, police, media, private sector duty-bearers
and other partners.